Learn how I recovered my hacked Facebook & Instagram accounts.

Our Facebook (both personal AND business), Instagram AND email got hacked last year.
Plus they managed to steal thousands of our hard earned dollars, drained our business bank account and PayPal to spend on ‘fake’ ads. These paid meta ads were selling fake eyelashes under our business account (which made it look legit to any new customer who would see all our 5-star ratings). Customers wanting to purchase these eyelashes were having to put their credit card details in to make the purchase.
The back end of our ad-manager shows purchases were made. I don’t know if these customers had their credit card numbers scammed OR if they just paid money and didn’t get product – however I am positive it would have been one of those two options.
I was mostly worried about losing 15+ years worth of photos and memories on my personal page, gone forever - including thousands of photos of our baby girl.
I figured I could try build the business side of the accounts up again – however it would be extremely annoying to try gather information, content, reviews, and a following again. Literally starting a business again from scratch again.
While we were extremely lucky to eventually get all our accounts & money back - we were still hurt financially by not having access to our accounts in the lead up to Christmas (usually one of our busiest times), and by being black listed from using social media ads until the following year. This meant we could not reach our customer base to market our brand & find new and existing customers to sell to.
It's unfortunate that the scum that hacked us doesn’t even get a slap on the wrist. There is nothing that could be done about it since they were outside of Australia, so they will continue to hack other accounts. I am hoping yours wont be next.
I know for a fact MANY others are being hacked. Daily I am hearing about accounts being lost.. I am sharing below how we got ours back, in the hopes that it will help others.
What can you do to prevent this from happening to you?
You may not have been hacked yet, but if it does happen – you can refer back to our document and find all the information in one place. Its only $1.99 – think of it as a gold coin donation to help prevent a hacking!
Future you will thank yourself. Trust me.
Even if you don’t have a business account, our tips could definitely help prevent a hacking.
Are you currently looking for this information because you have already been hacked?
Well I am glad you found us!
I hope this document we have compiled for you gives you enough information to get your account/s back. As long as you have a registered Australian business which has been affected, we provide you with the contacts who will act as a middle man between you and Meta to give you the best chance at regaining your account access.
*Please note, we can not guarantee any outcome. Our document will however provide you with great tips, resources and contacts to get your accounts back.